4 min readAug 12, 2022

Step 1:

Access Etherscan:

Step 2:

Input the contract address (0xb48E0F69e6A3064f5498D495F77AD83e0874ab28)of CXN token here and search:

Step 3:

Navigate to the “contract” section:

Step 4a:

Navigate to the “Read Contract” section. The Read Contract allows you to execute functions (check your stake balance, stake profit, etc) without paying for gas:

Step 4b:

Navigate to the “Write Contract” section. You need to pay for gas if you want to execute or call any function in this section:

Step 5:

Connect to web3 via your wallet

Step 6:

Before explaining some of the functions, you need to understand some denominations of Ethereum. For the sake of this article, there are three:

1. Ether

2. Finney

3. Wei

1 Ethereum translates to 1 Ether the same way 1 dollar translates to 1 USD.

1 Ethereum translates to 1000 Finney the same way 1 dollar translates to 100 cents.

1 Ethereum translates to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 10¹⁸ Wei.

The same logic applies to all ERC20 tokens, among which is CXN. The denomination, for this purpose, on Etherscan is Wei, and this means each CXN is represented as its 10¹⁸ counterpart. For example, if you query for 100 CXN, you will be shown 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 instead. Also, if you want to feed 100 CXN to a function, you need to input 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 instead.

Step 7:

Checking your stake balance:

Navigate to “Read Contract”:

Click the “stakeOf” function:

Input your wallet address; then, click “Query”:

If you do it right, your balance will be shown to you:

Your balance will look like this:

Note that the balance is in Wei-like denomination; to know your true balance in CXN, you need to remove 18 zeros from the extreme left:

For example, if your true balance is 100,000 CXN, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 will be shown to you.

Step 8:

Checking your stake profit:

Navigate to “Read Contract”:

Click the “stakeReturnOf” function:

Input your wallet address; then, click “Query”:

Step 9

Redeeming your stake profit

Navigate to “Write Contract”:

Click “redeemGain”:

Click “write”:

Pay for the gas and your stake profit will successfully be added to your stake balance.

Step 10

Unstaking your entire CXN tokens:

After redeeming your stake profit, navigate to the “Read Contract” section to check your stake balance; copy this balance and navigate to the “Write Contract” section:

Click “unStake” and paste the balance you copied into the “amount(unit256)” field:

Click “Write”, and pay the gas fee; your entire staked CXN tokens will be unstake and available in your wallet for your use:

Thank you!




Coxena is a mix of an exchange and a wallet. The exchange supports spot trading, P2P & instant swap while the wallet integrates fiats and crypto assets.