Product Updates

4 min readMay 22, 2021

After months of development and hard work from our technical team, we will begin the roll out of Coxena features this month. We would be starting with the launch of the P2P, which is a great tool for remittances and fiat off-ramp, and the instant-swap platforms.

Anyone, from any country (ceteris paribus), would be able to use the P2P to convert crypto assets to non-crypto assets and fiats. Gift-card trading and other non-crypto-asset trading are a great use case of this part of Coxena. Before funding, we hope the community can try it out, and validate the efforts put into the user experience and technical architecture of the P2P facet.

The instant-swap platform allows the users to convert crypto assets to other crypto assets, instantly, while abstracting away lots of technical details, which may give an absolute beginner a tough time. This is implemented to ensure ANYONE can use Coxena, irrespective of their background.

Before the official launch, to see how things work in action, kindly visit: https://www.playground.coxena.com ; your feedback is much appreciated as there is always room for improvement!

$COX Token Sale

The $COX token sale began on the 23rd April, 2021 and ended on the 22nd May, 2021 on the Yearn Secure platform, which was a great tool to run the sale. Unfortunately, the softcap couldn’t be reached.

“However, when we saw that the sale was not going well, we reached out to some exchanges for a dual cooperation (IEO + Listing). ProBit showed a positive predilection towards Coxena and $COX, and we are in the middle of finalizing the partnership details. To boot, other exchanges, which offer IEO, are also a viable option for us and Kucoin Spotlight is among the solid options we are considering.

In all honesty and humility, it has been a long journey and we are aware of the long wait; the community support is never taken for granted. We await responses from other exchanges before we finally choose one to secure, having considered lots of pros and cons. In the meantime, we will keep working hard on the product and update the community as things unfold.”

Thanks for your patience; funding is just very important for customer support service, staffing, and marketing the exchange itself

$CXN SWAP and $COX Airdrop

$CXN swap to $COX will certainly happen, but that would be after $COX is out of the primary market.

We have no issues about swapping it right now, but anyone could list it on a DEX, and this might create an unofficial market for $COX, while complicating things for us. Same reason applies to the airdrop distribution. None of these is out of our plans, but they will be executed at the right time.

Once again, your support is never taken for granted. Thanks.




Coxena is a mix of an exchange and a wallet. The exchange supports spot trading, P2P & instant swap while the wallet integrates fiats and crypto assets.